The Salvation Army Torrance Corps has been serving Torrance and the South Bay for over 30 years. Our presence has always been a safety-net for many members of our community, graduating individuals from cycles of poverty to self-sustainability, and carrying families over a temporary crisis due to medical issues or sudden job loss. We have always sought to do the most good, for the most people, in the most need. Yet, since the beginning of the COVID crisis The Salvation Army Torrance Corps has increased its services to the Torrance and surrounding communities by more than 200%. The economic devastation caused by this crisis has effected our communities most vulnerable, threatening to propel usually stable families into homelessness and those who are shut-in into hopelessness. Will you partner with us. All we seek to be is a bridge between your benevolence and someone’s need. With the help of our community we will continue to do the most good, meeting times of crisis with community compassion.